Monday, March 1, 2010

What is happening to me??!

Many things happened these few days...between me and her but I won't talk bout it cause these things are to keep as private & confidential...
With the little amount of sleep, I thought I can endure as I'm used to it but today is the first time it backfires me....
Must be because of the mental stresses and also what happened between **
I just lost myself....
I think I'm losing consciousness...when I was climbing up the stairs to my hostel, out of the sudden I lost my balance and my vision became blurry...I squatted down and closed my eyes...all I see was her :)

The first thing I did when I reached my room was lie down on my bed and space out staring at the wall...Was thinking about all the texts she texted me...sure is funny,happy and also lovely...I made a promise with her....Babe will you let me fulfill it when the time comes?

I browsed her facebook too just like usual...and you know what? She changed her status from single to in an open relationship with her friend(girl)...
I felt this heartache...tears filled my eyes...I just don't know what is happening....I wan her badly!!! I wan to be there for her always!! I wan to be useful to her...

Am I just a failure?
I really want to see her,call her,text her...She is everything for me now...
Right now...I just don't know how she feels for me all these time, did she check out my facebook as I did because some post are meant for her to read,and also did she read my blog like always?
Everything become blurry...
Everything become back to square one...
But I will not stop waiting for her cause of this small obstacles! I'm must stay strong!!! I'm strong enough for her to depend on me when she is down!!! I'm the best!!! RAWR!!!

This song I wanna dedicate to you babe...
please listen to it...

What says you?


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